22', HD, FR 2012
Two young girls are haunting the corridors of a deserted school building. A boy enters their space and becomes a prisoner of their game.
Based on documents of the school archive the film tells a story about love, betrayal and endlessly returning.
A ghost story.
Image, sound, editing Andreas Bolm et Noëlle Pujol
Cast Sarah Forest, Ludivine Le Flem, Dominic Stermann
Production Itinéraires-Bis, association de développement culturel et artistique des Côtes d'Armor
in collaboration with pickpocket production and Noëlle Pujol
Festival Internazionale del film di Roma, selection Cinema XXI, Rome, Italie, 2012
FICUNAM, Festival Internacional de cine universidad, México, Mexique, 2013
Rencontres internationales Paris/Berlin, 2014
Galerie Dourven, Trédrez-Locquémeau, France, 2012